Thursday, November 20, 2014

Starting to Realize Who Really Cares

One thing I have noticed with divorce is who really cares about you and who is really there for you. From the moment I moved out of my marital residence I had two friends who stood out. They let me into their homes to stay and really cared for and supported me.  Over time one of those relationships has really stayed strong, while the other has died off unfortunately. People have their own lives, with their own concerns and things going on and sometimes forget about you for whatever reason. I do my best to understand these situations.

I lost friends after my divorce, some due to them being friends with my ex-husband, some because they were mutual friends and some that I really have no idea why.  My life had completely changed, I went from being married to being a single mom overnight. My personality changed with that a bit as well...and not sure everyone was ok with that.

It is really easy for someone to be there for you in the best of times, but when you are going through the tough times in life is when you really start to realize who cares about you and who will be there for you no matter what.

For true friends it doesn't matter the distance, the time that it has been since you last talked, or the stupid petty things that have happened. You are friends through it all if it is really a true friend. I have found friendship in those who I hadn't spoken to in years, but we found comfort in helping each other through the worst parts of our relationships.

I recently grew apart from a close friend due to a man in her life...and it truly is eating me up because it is something I can't change and it doesn't seem to matter to her. This is one of those points where again I start to realize who really cares, because I would never let a man ruin a friendship that I cared so much about. I can say this as my ex-husband hated this particular friend and I didn't care...and told him he had to be respectful regardless, which he did. I would do anything to fix our friendship, but just like in any relationship if both parties don't try it won't work. At this point unfortunately I think I just have to accept that as I have done all I can.

I am sitting here...a single mom with no job trying to get by. I am helping my family through some medical issues and personal issues that people have no idea about as I haven't made it public to most people. The people who care are in my life, regardless of what is going on.

When we are younger we want as many friends as we possibly can have, but as I have gotten older I have realized that having a small group of friends who I can trust and who are always there for me is really all that matters. As the quote goes...sometimes your circle decreases in size, but increases in value. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me through the ups and the downs, continually encouraging me and letting me do the same for them. I don't have family on the east coast really...but the friends who have been there for me really are my family as well. Love you all and I am so very thankful to have you in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that a true friend would not track how long it has been since you spoke. I went through something like that several months ago. If people do not really want to know, then they should not respond to the news of your situation--or attempt to cyberstalk you later. Thank goodness for the block button.
