Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Starting to be Thankful

Considering this week is Thanksgiving, I thought I would do a post about being thankful. I have been through a lot in my lifetime, but learning to be thankful for everything I do have is truly important.  There are some people in my life I am truly thankful for that I don't know what I would do without.

The person I am most thankful for is my Haylee monster. She is by far my everything in life, my world completely revolves around her. She has given me all the courage in the world to do everything I have done. I couldn't ask for a better blessing in my life. She really is my world and I thank God every day to have her in my life.

Another person I am thankful for is my sister Becky.  She may no longer be here but I had 24 years with her in life and I am so thankful for each one. My sister wasn't supposed to live past the age of 5, had that been true I would have never met her. I am so thankful the doctors were wrong and that I got to know her. She taught me about compassion, acceptance and what true strength is. She was an amazing mother to her children and everyone who met her loved her. She had a tough life but never gave up pushing through it. I miss her every day, but thankful for every moment I had with her.

Two people I couldn't be on this earth without are my mother and father. Though they aren't together any longer, they are both very important people in my life. My mother has been my best friend and there for me through every little thing in life. We lean on each other for everything. I don't know how I would have gotten through life without her as went through some awful situations. She is one of the most caring and wonderful mothers in the world, and I am thankful she is mine.  My father and I had a much different path in life, we actually didn't speak for 10 years. My brain tumor is what brought us back together, and as crazy as it sounds I am so thankful for that tumor as we are closer than ever.  I literally can tell him anything, we have a great relationship that I am so thankful for.

There are so many people I am thankful for. As far as other family members I have an amazing step brother whom I have grown so close to, an amazing niece who is like my mini me (except taller haha), a great step-dad who calls me his princess and would do anything for me and Haylee, my twin - aka my soon to be sister-in-law Megan, and some amazing cousins who I know are always there for me.

I also have a couple friends who I couldn't get through life without. My bestie Katy and I have been through so much over the years, but is always someone I can turn to and the same is true for her. She is an amazing mother and friend and I am truly thankful she is in my life. I also have Lisa, who opened her home to Haylee and I when we moved out, and is always offering to help me anytime I need something. I couldn't imagine not having Lisa and her family in my life, they are really amazing. Then there is Dina, we met years ago at work...lost touch and have now reconnected. We even have matching tattoos...that is how much we were meant to be in each others lives. We have ended up in similar situations at similar times, and helping each other through everything just strengthens our friendship.

I am so very thankful for each and every one of these people. I know there are others I missed, but these are the ones who without a doubt are there for me and always will be. I just hope I can do for them what they have done for me. I love you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

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