Thursday, December 18, 2014

Starting to Reflect

As 2014 is starting to come to an end I wanted to take a moment to reflect on everything that has happened this year. This year started out with filing for divorce, living on a couch, buying a new home, losing friends, first boyfriend after divorce, first break up after divorce, online dating, gaining new friends, starting a new job, losing my job, being a single mom and looking for a new job. Seriously...looking at everything I have gained, lost and changed this year makes my head spin.

My negatives really were losing my job and losing friends that I truly thought would always be there for me. With the job...I am not concerned. If anything it was a true blessing in disguise. I absolutely hated the job and the company I worked for. Working at a job that you are unhappy at is so not worth it as we spend most of our lives at work. So to me, I turned this negative into a positive.  As far the losing of friends, I have to say I have been a bit heartbroken that some people I called some of my closest friends turned their backs on me and haven't been there for me...but this to I look at in a positive way. People who don't have your back and bring sadness and negativity in your life are not worthy of being part of your life. Someone who can't stand up for you, be there for you in a time of need...why bother putting effort into them. Who needs that in their life? What I have found is a smaller group of friends who would do anything for you is so much better than a larger group of those who wouldn't.

Dating has brought it ups and downs for sure...I had my first heartbreak earlier this year, but what it made me realize was I could definitely love again and what I truly was worthy of having in my life. I have gone on a fair amount of dates...but I have learned that taking things slow, not worrying about labels and all can truly be such a positive. I am seriously learning to go with the flow, take things as they come and just enjoy every moment.  It really took me 35 years of life to realize how truly amazing things can be when you don't worry about the pressure of relationships. You actually get to know things about each other, enjoy each others company for what it is and the communication seems to open up so much more.

There are so many times a week I truly realize how much has changed when I look at my daughter. She has been through every single positive and negative with me...and continues to flourish and amaze me daily. She is my true inspiration in life. I look at her and realize what is important...our happiness and spending quality time together. Her happiness means the world to me...and my happiness affects hers. One thing not all single parents realize that if you aren't happy, your child will notice and it will affect them. I need to be happy at work, happy with my friends, happy with my dating life...all of that affects her. You have to take time for yourself and invest in your own happiness, because without that how can you expect to provide that for your child? Her happiness is the most important by far, investing in myself can only add to her happiness.

Starting to reflect on things in life really lets us also look forward to know where we want to be. I have a lot to learn in life as a month, as a significant other and as a person. There is always room to grow and improve. I have an amazing life and an even more amazing daughter. I am extremely lucky...and learning to take every negative and turn it into a positive in life just continually adds to my happiness. Life is a gift...and I don't ever want to take a single breathe for sister taught me that and I will always remember that.